This was from the "Locked" I can "Help Every One" post :

"I was just a visitor here at wincustomise. i used to snoop around the massage board, just reading posts."

Hey, I'm a paying member and Nobody ever told ME about the Massage board. >

My back is killing me. How do I get access to the massage board? I didn't see any links. Does it cost extra? Who's giving these massages anyway?
Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 20, 2003
Yea! I want a massage too! If Ingui gets one then I want one too!!!!

Hus stomps feet
[Message Edited]
on Sep 20, 2003
Hey, you guys wanted to keep that a secret huh?

sneaky admins again

let me in to!!! ?
on Sep 20, 2003
My daughter gives me a massage when I can talk her into it. That ain't often.

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on Sep 20, 2003
What, massages??

Now I feel really cheated!!!!! Why did nobody tell me????

That would put the admins into really good use!!!!
on Sep 20, 2003
My neck hurts...could I trouble you fo.....oops...wrong board

yrag slithers away to secret passage..

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on Sep 20, 2003
he is attempting to say hes a lurker...

besides being a stinker
on Sep 20, 2003
IPlural- can't talk now......getting my neck massaged by some troll....

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on Sep 20, 2003
Styl, That link you posted doesnt work >

And I see you over there yrag >

This is unjust. I want my massage! I found THIS hidden in the "About" section...

The Rules

This site is a community site. As such, we expect users to behave with honor and integrity. Treat the person you post to or comment on a skin to as if they are sitting next to you giving you a massage. Picture this place as a nice, comfortable massage resort surrounded by friends.

More specifically, our rules have to be about the handling of intellectual property and deep tissue technnique. This site carries intellectual property in the form of skins, themes, icons, and wallpapers. Intellectual property, be it software, music, books, or skins/themes is like any other type of property. When you upload something, you are agreeing to the guidelines set below:

Ownership: You own the materials you upload. This cuts both ways, we assume you made what you uploaded and we will not sell trade property for a massage without your permission. You must not only own what you submit but the subcomponents of it unless you have a massage from the owners of the property you are submitting. For instance, DesktopX objects are designed to be used in other people's themes. It is assumed that when you upload a DesktopX object that you are giving a massage to others who use them in their themes and they can therefore upload a theme that includes your DesktopX object without an additional massage.

If you upload something that is owned by someone else or contains materials owned by someone else, we have the right to massage them without notification. For instance, if you upload a wallpaper with the Lord of the Rings logo and the owners of that logo come to us and request a massage, we will do so. Or if you upload a WindowBlinds skin, of some operating system, and the OS vendor requests several massages, we will do so.

License to When you upload something to us, you are giving us the permission, within reason, to display your property for the promotion of massage as well as allowing us to distribute massage to others (i.e. the whole reason to upload your skin in the first place).

The site is free. We don't charge you for massage and you don't charge us to display your property.

Liability - we are not liable for the contents of the site. We will do our best to keep the site's integrity intact but ultimately when you upload something, the massage is on you. You're uploading materials you own.

Guidelines - For additional massage limitations please click here to read up on massage sessions that our moderators have put together.

Aha! I knew it!
on Sep 20, 2003
on Sep 20, 2003
Been here 2 years and never got 1 massage. I feel cheated.

WOM looks for KarmaGirl so I can get my massage.

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on Sep 20, 2003
I think all Admin-abuse should come with complimentary massage....
on Sep 20, 2003
isnt is a massage when cats walk all over you, pummeling you into a nice soft cat bed, so that they can lay down and sleep on you? feline *innocent expression*

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on Sep 20, 2003
a troll that gives, now thats a concept!

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on Sep 20, 2003
How about a foot massage for Kona?
on Sep 20, 2003
How about a MUZZLE.

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