My "Anti-Rant" Rant
Published on March 3, 2005 By Ingui In Internet
First off, this rant does not apply to all users of any one browser or OS. If your normal, you know who you are and should have no problem reading this.

War on crime, War on drugs, War on terror.... Browser Wars?!?! WTF
I use and prefer IE. I also have Firefox, and use it sometimes. I still prefer IE. But I don't feel the need to preach it across the internet with fanatical zeal flaming anyone who disagrees. "Better", to me, is what I like best. IE and Windows have been around long enough, I believe, for their collective faults and benefits to be common knowledge. So if I don't mention any of them, it is not due to any bias , it is simply not relevent to the topic of "radicals" surfing the web. So if you feel the need to reply to this post, great, you needn't reply with any technical details, white papers, pro/con lists.

I can understand some of the excitement of Firefox. The customize thing is cool, but that hardly makes IE a dinosaur considering six million developers contributed to an opensource project 7 years ago and came up with a plain vanilla web browser that you can add plug-ins to, and even without ActiveX, we start to hear about "vulnerabilities" as it gains popularity. New kid on the block had his first "Patch" released. GASP! It was to fix "several vulnerabilities found". Think it will be the last? I read a quote about "not being able to code against user-flaws".
"If the browser had no holes, the user will be asked to punch out an opening. And the user will comply by happily clicking something."

If your all fired up about FireFox because it's new, or you can customize it . . . cool, it's a neat browser. Maybe you hate Microsoft, Bill Gates(what that has to do with your browser I am still not sure) but cool, enjoy your rebellion. And I'd be happy to share your excitement over your new browser if your mature enough to leave it at that. It's not religion, it's a Web Browser. And you are not the omniscient Christ of the World Wide Web, your just another of the 6 billion people in this world with an opinion.

If your worried about security, learn to secure your PC as best you can whatever browser you think is "best". If you don't think it should be your responsibility to become aware then don't make it your responsibilty to try to make me aware of your ignorance. I'm sick of hearing about the MS conspiracy, the browser wars, how MS is at fault for all the security issues out there, Windows users being called "MS drones" (Linux cannot be better than sex man, get real, get a life, get a grip), Microsoft=Nazism, Bill Gates=AntiChrist, blah-blah-blah. It's gotta be a joke, right? Are people even aware of the things they say anymore? It reminds of those bad auditions from American Idol. You know, the people who honestly think they sound great while glass is breaking and dogs are running in circles howling for miles around. Hypocrites. Think a minute about your wild claims and then consider your own actions.

Firefox is a cool "new" (ahem) browser. The features are cool... er, I mean the features you can add are cool. I myself use it on occasion. I still prefer IE and I'm looking forward to IE7. Not because I admire Bill Gates, I didn't swear a satanic blood oath to Microsoft and I am aware that Windows is not the only computing environment. It's what is known as personal choice. You know that democracy thing? Individualism? Kind of Ironic how the ones labeling an individual a drone if he or she rejects their "gospel" are the very ones who most closely display the characteristics of a herd animal. That mob mentality. Friggin' sheep in wolves clothing. Go graze on some grass and stop pretending to be so ferocious. Is it the Anonymity of the web that makes it so prevalent? I mean, do you pull up to a traffic light and start yelling at the driver next to you about how crappy his car is and the manufacturer sucks and what a freak he is for driving it and yours is way better and has more options? OR did I hit on something? Are you tooling around town embarrassed in such a piece of crap car that you suddenly feel powerful cause you think your viewing the internet through a "better" browser than the majority of other users. Then let me remind you, wether you can afford a Mercedes or not, whatever browser your using... it was free. Anyone can get it if they wanted it .

You like FireFox? Cool, shutup and go browse with it. Umm, isn't that why it was made? Not to convert humanity to some browser cult.
You Like Internet Explorer? Cool, pipe down about it and go download some music or something.

Normal people find what they like, use it happily where they like, try and share it with their friends and family and those they meet. Then there are those who have lost their grasp of reality. Sad part of it is, they are often the loudest voice. Hush now angry sheep and go "browse"

So , I thought I'd rant a little.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 03, 2005
}Ahem{ I use Netscape and my browser is better than yours..chew on that!

Nice Rant and I can agree with alot of it.
on Mar 03, 2005
on Mar 04, 2005
Well said!
on Mar 04, 2005
The important thing is not to anthropomorphise browsers - they really don't like that
on Mar 04, 2005
While I tend to agree with your intent (tone it down) in writing the article, I also use IE, but prefer FireFox and Maxthon, what you're saying is contrary to what your doing. It's kind of like saying here is my opinion and my opinion is I don't want to hear yours.

I think it's good for people to rave about a program they like, that's a big part of how I find new, useful software. How did you come by programs like Spybot, Object Desktop, Trillian etc. I'm sure it wasn't by television advertising or direct mail outs. Slamming other software also seems to have an impact as IE7 proves. I think some people get carried away, but you'll get that in any thread.
on Mar 04, 2005
since Jafo hasn't made it by here just yet I feel the need to point out the following:

your - posissive, Ex. This is my browser not yours
you're - contraction of you and are, Ex. If you're all fired up about FireFox because it's new, or you can customize it.

Now, all I need is a grammer smiley and I'd be set... Peace all!
on Mar 04, 2005
#1 by Citizen Double Zero - LOL

#2 by DPG - TY

#3 by Skinner kona0197 -

#4 by Citizen The Journeyman - Thanx for making me bust out the dictionary
anthropomorphize - [v.]ascribe human features to something

#5 by Developer Lantec - You are right but I am not contradicting myself. I stated twice my willingness to listen. You are absolutely correct, people talking and even "raving" is what brought me to try FF, and Xoomer, OD, etc. But there is a point some people reach where raving becomes flaming. And that is what I am sick of, hence the angry tone. Lantec, have you read the other post here about IE7. There are some "posts" in there about people being delusional from drug use for prefering IE and how that preference equates to some kind of adoration of Bill Gates. That's the kind of thing I am sick of seeing here, and other at Forums too. Linux vs Windows, MAC/Windows(Draginol did an article on OS Advocates) FF/IE , WB vs that other Style thingie. I've seen Frogboy write about "elitists" numerous times. Anyway, Thanks for the post Lantec and yeah, I went a little over the top, but after all, I did call it a rant and I feel better for venting.

#6 by Developer f0r3 - I was worried about "Individualism" and "Anonymity" and you get me on "your"
on Mar 04, 2005
ok... I will lement that FireFox isn''t the end to all browsers. I still like it better than IE, but not because IE is IE.

For me, mind you, FireFox tends to eat up allot of vurtual memory especially when I have 8 tabbs open. Of course, you say... but when I close them, the virtual memory stay up there.

Infact, if I keep the program open long enough, the VM just gets bigger and bigger till it reaches 100MB for not reason other than being open.

IE does that to, WAY FASTER then FireFox or Netscape, but they do it.

Maybe my computer. Its it not the top of the line or even middle of the line.
on Mar 04, 2005
Joe, sounds like you need to make some tweaks to your system..I can have 3 browsers all open, all pointed in different directions..and most of the time for hours upon hours, my VM never goes above 4%..TweakXP has some great little tricks you can do!..

on Mar 04, 2005
Umm..Thought I would throw the link out here, others might find it useful as well..Link

Also, there is a great page devoted to unnecessary services that XP runs..turning some of these off helps you reclaim quite a bit of your RAM, if at all interested I recommend you visit here Link

Hope it helps!,
on Mar 04, 2005
I agree that some comments get a little carried away, but for most people this is a forum to share views they may not have any place else to share.
You just have to learn to take the good with the bad.
*Joe, try steps 23, 24, and maybe 25 at
that should help keep your pagefile more managable.
on Mar 04, 2005
I'm a relatively new FF user, and I'm pretty happy with it thus far. There are a few things I'm not digging, but overall I have to say that I much prefer it to IE.
on Mar 04, 2005
Great link TJB, another I have added to my list..LoL..I think soon it will require the use of another browser just to have more room for bookmarks!...

on Mar 04, 2005
there just browsers why people want talk so much about is kinda stupid to me use what one you and and keep it to your self people
on Mar 04, 2005
I was worried about "Individualism" and "Anonymity" and you get me on "your"

hahahaha! Sorry man.. It just happens to be a personal pet peeve you might say. Wasn't meant as anything harsh, just a little fun..
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